We’re glad to let you all know that a new patch is currently available on Xbox One and Xbox Series X/S !
Patch brings a wide range of fixes and improvements to the game and the different levels but perhaps more noticeably fixes an issue that caused the game to use incorrect lighting quality settings on both Xbox and Xbox Series X/S.
Here are a couple of before and after shots taken during the intro of the game:

As you can see this is a massive improvement to the visual quality of the game on Xbox.
Full Patch Notes
General Changes
- Fixed an edge case issue where laserforce field effects would be applied to the player over and over again.
- Added a zero look at quaternion safety check in the AdvancedPlayerMovementMotor.
- Fixed an error in the Powerstate Visualization when a state change is called on a disabled object.
- Adjusted the platform dependent optimization settings so the different consoles are linked to the correct performance groups.
- Added wildcard to the DynamicResolution so that the resolution alterations are ignored after a scene load or checkpoint reset for a total of 4 frames.
- Improved the Dynamic Resolution to take into account platform overlays being active.
- Fixed an issue where you could only achieve level completion achievements related to the equipped loadouts if you didn’t die during the level.
HUD and UI
- Fixed issue where the stars of the save slot would not reset after erasing the slot.
- Reduced the max contrast and max brightness values (from 3 to 1.35) to reduce configurations that make it 100% impossible to see what’s on screen.
- Adjusted the Total Playtime (Checkpointed) time to now show a preview of the Best Total Playtime (Checkpointed) instead of the full sum of the entire playtime. This will make it easier for players to see how close they are to unlocking the “Go go go” achievement.
Design and Balance Changes
- Enemies
- Rocketeers
- Adjusted the rocketeer rockets to now also hit hostile objects instead of flying through them.
- Adjusted the rocketeer rocket to no longer ignore collisions with objects marked with the Friendly_IgnoreLaserBlock tag.
- Adjusted the rocketeer rocket explosions to now also damage hostile objects instead of ignoring them.
- Adjusted the rocketeer rocket explosions to no longer ignore dealing damage to objects marked with the Friendly_IgnoreLaserBlock tag.
- Rocketeers
- Abilities
- FlameTurret
- [PERFORMANCE] Disabled the last frame passthrough check
- [PERFORMANCE] Increased the frame spread from 2 frames to 4 frames
- Earthbender
- [PERFORMANCE] Added pooling to the earthbender gibs and FX
- [PERFORMANCE] Added a gib optimization to the earthbender gibs
- Spikeslam
- [PERFORMANCE] Added pooling to the spikeslam gibs and FX
- Laser pillars
- Adjusted the laser pillar ability material so it correctly renders when placed above river water.
- Ultimate Strike
- The Ultimate Strike ability will now also use the enemy bounding collision to block line of sight to potential targets.
- Fixed a potential crash error in the Ultimate Strike ability.
- Leap
- Fixed an issue where you couldn’t use the leap ability while on a raft.
- FlameTurret
Art Changes
- Increased visibility of the player jump aid indicator (changed the emissive multiplier from 1 to 2)
Audio Changes
- Added missing villain death sounds.
- Added SFX to the technology health switches.
Level Changes
- Tutorial
- Gameplay
- Improved collision on the well in the starting area to keep the player from getting stuck on the roof.
- Added additional collision to some of the grass platforms to avoid an issue where the player could get stuck against the overhanging collision while jumping and running into a corner.
- Gameplay
- Tutorial
- 1-1 Shore Island
- Gameplay
- Improved some of the bounding collisions to reduce the possibility of getting stuck.
- Improved the chest tooltip positions.
- Art
- Fixed a mesh occlusion issue in the pillar puzzle.
- Fixes
- Added a fix where the player could trigger a checkpoint and close doors during the ultimate strike ability. Resulting the player to end up in a position on the wrong side of the now closed door and no way to progress any further without doing a checkpoint reset.
- Gameplay
- 1-2 In A Pinch
- Gameplay
- Improved some of the bounding collisions to reduce the possibility of getting stuck.
- Spread out the spawnload of some of the crabs to reduce single frame spawn drops.
- Fixes
- Fixed a minor issue with one of the cinematics when triggering the right switch before the left switch in the final arena.
- Added a fix where the player could trigger a checkpoint and close doors during the ultimate strike ability. Resulting the player to end up in a position on the wrong side of the now closed door and no way to progress any further without doing a checkpoint reset.
- Gameplay
- 1-3 Ruined Chase
- Fixes
- Added a safety damage zone to fix an edge case issue of a munchy that could get stuck and prevent progression.
- Fixed an occlusion issue right after the statue head puzzle end door.
- Added a fix where the player could trigger a checkpoint and close doors during the ultimate strike ability. Resulting the player to end up in a position on the wrong side of the now closed door and no way to progress any further without doing a checkpoint reset.
- Increased the timing of one of the lighting optimizations to reduce the possibility of the player seeing the behind the scenes magic tricks.
- Fixes
- 2-1 Off The Rails
- Gameplay
- Reduced the amount of tommy gunner enemies that come through the laser gate once the powercell has been grabbed from 2 to 1.
- Reduced the amount of simultaneous ninjas that attack the player once the powercell has been grabbed from 3 to 2.
- Reduced the amount of simultaneous tommy gunners enemies that engage with the player once the powercell has been grabbed from 3 to 2.
- Added no friction materials on some geometry on which an enemy could get stuck while falling.
- Gameplay
- 2-2 Steamy Affairs
- Gameplay
- Added some additional collision in the door transition from the thumper area to the steampipe area to avoid the player from getting stuck or slowing down on the floor when moving very slowly.
- Added missing pathfinding area in the crane section.
- Audio
- Added missing audio to the crane sequence and fixed the positionality of the existing audio.
- Added missing audio to the crane laser fence.
- Added missing audio to the elevator flaps.
- Fixes
- Slightly increased the size of the destructible optimization zone near the thumper to avoid object pop-in.
- Added a fix where the player could trigger a checkpoint and close doors during the ultimate strike ability. Resulting the player to end up in a position on the wrong side of the now closed door and no way to progress any further without doing a checkpoint reset.
- Fixed an issue where the doors through which you exit the thumper area would open and close multiple times if you loaded the game from a save.
- Gameplay
- 2-3 The Factory
- Art
- Improved the clarity of the spotlights in the level 1 side track (removed the light cookie that was causing a lot of visual noise)
- Gameplay
- Adjusted some of the camera angles at the start of the level 01 side section to improve player comfort during combat. (Mainly to avoid combat being hindered by an overly upwards angled camera and to avoid having angle transitions that are too big). This also fixes a gap between the first area and the second that would cause weird camera behavior when moving through the door as the camera would always transition back to the default camera before blending again to the new camera zone.
- Added camera blend transition setups to parts of the level 01 side track starting area.
- Adjusted some of the camera angles at the start of the level 02 side section to improve player comfort during combat.
- Added cleaner blend setups to the level 02 side section starting area to get rid of all the sudden and jarring camera stops/very obvious blend points. The camera will now feel as one continuous smooth camera throughout the entire area and during the gameplay.
- This also fixes a gap between the first area and the second that would cause weird camera behavior when moving through the door as the camera would always transition back to the default camera before blending again to the new camera zone.
- [PERFORMANCE] Added an enable/disable zone to the shredder sawblades to reduce the performance overhead when they aren’t needed.
- [PERFORMANCE] Added TransformAdjuster EnableDisable zones throughout the level.
- [PERFORMANCE] Fixed incorrect optimization setup of the shredder tunnel cogwheels.
- [PERFORMANCE]Added enable disable setups to the magnetic platforms.
- [PERFORMANCE] Added enable disable setups to the cranes and lava vats at the start of the elevator.
- [PERFORMANCE] Added enable disable setups to the giant cogwheels.
- Added missing ambient SFX to the level start.
- Added missing SFX to the cranes at the top of the elevator.
- Added missing SFX to the magnetic platforms.
- Added additional return to last known safe positions in the shredder tunnel.
- Improved camera setup in the steam tunnel.
- [PERFORMANCE] Added enable disable setups in the steam tunnel.
- Added missing sfx in the steam tunnel.
- Added missing sfx on level01 shaft.
- Added sfx to the bridge and elevator flaps.
- Improved the return to the last known safe position in the level02 starting area.
- Improved the level intro cinematic.
- Slightly tweaked the elevator shaft entry DOF settings so you can actually see where you are going.
- Added missing SFX to the time door bridges.
- Added additional SFX to the entry animation.
- Improved the camera transition when entering the elevator shaft for the first time.
- [PERFORMANCE] Adjusted the occlusion settings to improve performance.
- [PERFORMANCE] Added LightProbeVolume disables to improve performance.
- [PERFORMANCE] Disabled realtime shadows on a number of light sources.
- [PERFORMANCE] Added cleanup to the start sawblades.
- [PERFORMANCE] Disabled a number of animation meshes at the top of the elevator as a performance optimization.
- Replaced the explosive barrel with the fancy smoke plume explosive barrels.
- [PERFORMANCE] Added render optimizations to the elevator top.
- [PERFORMANCE] Reduced the resolution of the Wastelands Boss taunt videos.
- Improved the return to last known safe position zone setups in the steam area so you can’t fail forward as easy.
- Added additional bounding collision when the elevators transition to a new floor.
- The bottom elevator flap will now remain closed once it is closed for the first time.
- [PERFORMANCE] Changed shadow casting for base XBox One at the gear reactor entrance tunnel.
- Fixes
- Fixed a number of occlusion issues.
- Fixed a small collision issue in the gearworks tunnel to improve traversal smoothness.
- Fixed camera setups in the gear and steam generator rooms to ensure the player can’t lose sight of themselves.
- Fixed an issue where collision meshes would become visible after checkpoint resetting.
- Fixed an issue where the sawblade hintbot audio would remain active after dying.
- Disabled mipmaps and dynamic scaling on the elevator materials.
- Fixed the elevator shaft fog transition.
- Fixed a number of reset issues with the enable disable zones.
- Fixed reset not working on one of the shredder tunnel switches.
- Fixed an issue where the trash compactor crusher pistons would not properly reset, causing a damage zone to be active.
- Fixed an issue where the trash compactor crusher pistons would play extending sounds for 7 seconds when checkpoint resetting in the shredder tunnel.
- Fixed an issue where you could see enemies pop in the start sections of the level 1 and level 2 side tracks.
- Fixed an issue where you could see through the bottom of the wall in the start of the level 2 side track area.
- Fixed an issue where you would have a full screen occlusion effect when jumping from the hidden platform in the level 02 side track start area. (A freeze cam fixes this + ensures a cleaner camera in that area).
- Fixed camera issue in the giant cogwheel area.
- Fixed an issue where the full screen would occlude due to an engine bug.
- Changed the smallest occluder size from 5 to 4.5 to (hopefully) work around this.
- Fixed issue where the floor spikes were culled too aggressively.
- Fixed issue with the jump indicator being visible in mid air.
- Fixed issue where some fans on the walls were being culled too aggressively.
- Adjusted the truck collision to reduce the possibility of being pushed through the floor while moving.
- Fixed an issue where the hidden player (mage blink) would not trigger checkpoint trigger zones.
- Fixed an issue where the door leading to the gear reactor room would not open after checkpoint reset / death whenever initially opened but not having walked through it.
- Removed double checkpoint listener on elevator setup + slightly extended trigger delays just to be safe that may have been the cause for the elevator not properly reactivating in rare occasions with high frame rate.
- Art
- 3-1 A Minor Deviation
- Fixes
- Added a fix where the player could trigger a checkpoint and close doors during the ultimate strike ability. Resulting the player to end up in a position on the wrong side of the now closed door and no way to progress any further without doing a checkpoint reset.
- Fixes
- 3-2 A Cold Climb
- Gameplay
- Improved ground ramp collision of one of the door transitions.
- Fixes
- Fixed issue where the engineer backpack would trigger the jump pad after a return to last known safe position resulting in an infinite loop of death.
- Fixed an issue where some of the floating rocks popped into view.
- Added a fix where the player could trigger a checkpoint and close doors during the ultimate strike ability. Resulting the player to end up in a position on the wrong side of the now closed door and no way to progress any further without doing a checkpoint reset.
- Fixed a door close trigger being in the incorrect layer which caused the door to remain open when blinking.
- Fixed incorrect and outdated wall collision in the mountain outpost.
- Fixed an issue where the camera at the start of the mountain outpost would still blend back to the indoor camera position.
- Gameplay
- 3-3 Summit Trials
- Gameplay
- Adjusted timing of the map marker so it lights up during the cutscene.
- Reduced delay on cinematic chain from 2.0 seconds to 0.5 seconds.
- Added checkpoint listener setup to the logic used for chaining cinematics.
- Enlarged the size of the trigger zone controlling platform movement in the mountain ascend section.
- Updated return stairs for the orange dungeon with extra collision & grid interactors so enemies won’t hide under them and will move around them.
- Adjusted 2nd moving platforming phase to always continue forward and never stop & reverse. Added a second pressure plate to respawn the platform at the peak + added accompanying camera zone.
- Tweaked & smoothed central room exploration camera for the exit tunnel + caged golem focus camera.
- [PERFORMANCE] Spread out spawns in the central room to resolve hitches / frame hangs on lower end platforms + added spawn fx poofs.
- Added a check that will set the green puzzle room in blue activated / retracted platform state if the player checkpoint resets / loads at the left top most position.
- Added extra wooden platforms near the end of the orange platform ride so the player can use those to continue forward if the platform moved ahead without them.
- Audio
- Added audio to dissolving seals.
- Fixed drop tunnel misconfiguration which caused the drop/impact audio to not be audible.
- Added audio listeners to caged golem cutscenes so the caged golem is audible during the cutscenes.
- Art
- Improved some of the fog and postprocessing setups in Mountains03.
- Hooked & tweaked a bunch of fog transitions / post processing setups.
- Updated funky looking terrain mesh in green upper section.
- Fixed shader rendering issue in the pulse material.
- Tweaked the central room and starting area fog noise scale.
- Fixes
- Fixed a visual issue where the purple air vortex tunnel had sunlight inside the tunnel where there shouldn’t be.
- Resolved an occlusion issue in the right purple cage when jumping in the cage entrance + updated culling data.
- Resolved an issue where a camera zone related to combat was active in the central map room tunnel when it shouldn’t be.
- Resolved cinematic chaining issue where the black bars would not fade away after destroying crystals in various particular ways.
- Fixed first platform soft locking because the player tried to unlock the platform before it was locked. The lock is now engaged at the very start (1% track segment) instead of just before the check happens at the corner.
- Resolved fog transitions lingering in cutscenes.
- Fixed single frame visual stutter on cutscene chaining.
- Restored collision on ice blocks in the drill wall cutscenes, fixing enemies walking through solid ice. Tweaked the Ice chunk landing spots a bit so the collision won’t interfere with the gameplay of the arena.
- Fixed purple upper area cutscenes not using the correct fog definition.
- Fixed camera shake happening on respawn/checkpoint reset.
- Camera shake is now also applied visually when the 2nd crystal is destroyed.
- Fixed issue where the camera would always shake when loading from a save slot.
- Fixed an issue where some coins in the green dungeon could fall into the void depending on the puzzle state.
- (Hopefully)Fixed an issue where the green puzzle room door would not open.
- Fixed pathfinding holes in the central map room (left top & right bottom).
- Fixed pathfinding issue that could cause the worms to get stuck in the purple topside area around the left drop tunnel.
- Added extra enemy kill zones in the drop tunnel of the dungeon entrance and the topside purple drop tunnels to eliminate any stray enemies.
- Tweaked enemy killzone sizes for green & whiteblue drop tunnels.
- Fixed camera clipping through the near cliff wall in the orange dungeon when dashing to the bottom of the screen.
- Other
- Updated occlusion culling data.
- Gameplay
- 4-1 Showdown
- Gameplay
- Added health damage flickering to armor plating containing the health bar of an arm of the boss in the first phase to improve player feedback when you are hitting the arm. Additionally increased the hitbox so you can now both hit the blue power joint and the armor plating, avoiding potential confusion where players think they are damaging the boss they are actually not.
- Fixes
- Fixed an issue where the tunnel was no longer there behind the player. Oops.
- Gameplay
- 1-1 Shore Island
We would like to thank everyone who has taken the time to check out Trifox so far.
Another patch is in the works that adds additional improvements to the game based on the player feedback we have received so far.
So keep an eye out for that in the near future.
In the meantime don’t hesitate to come say hi on our official Discord server (discord.gg/trifox) or on twitter @TrifoxGame.
-The Trifox Dev Team
Nintendo Switch Patch Update
As you may or may not be aware. We are still waiting on Nintendo to finalize the testing of the day 1 patch that drastically improves the overal performance and quality of the game. Unfortunately we have no control over how fast these updates are being processed by Nintendo but rest assured it is on the way and at this point we believe it will be available sooner rather than later. Keep an eye out on our official channels to be the first to know when the update will go live.
Thank you for your patience and understanding.
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